Saturday 15 June 2013

Learning This Blog Thing...

Ok this is my first blog so welcome... OMG I'm finally getting this done! Now I would've gotten to this sooner but I was too busy lurking over at AbsoluteWrite meeting a whole bunch of awesome people, learning a lot of stuff and generally being nosey and over friendly! If you're reading this you should like totally check it out... I mean seriously you should, it's like happy land or something over there, no one is mean to you. I reiterate: total... strangers... are... nice... to... you! If you're like me and you live in the real world where total strangers include the asshole that drove by and splashed mud all over your new shoes then take a minute to understand what that means!!

I think I'm suppose to introduce myself or something but I'll save you the whole over worded intro and sum me up in one phrase, two words: I'm crazy!

I'm like this hyperactive, indecisive, sometimes funny, sometimes annoying, overly friendly, hair pulling optimistic, scattered brain, smart-but-not-smart-enough life form that aliens will delight in one day kidnapping and probing...

My birth certificate says I'm in my twenties but I don't recall passing 16 (so obviously there's something wrong down at the registry office sonsofbitches)...

I like doing sports... uhhh i used to like doing sports... these days i just count climbing stairs as a sport (euphemism for I'm shit lazy)...

I currently write sports articles for a newspaper (I'm keeping it vague hopefully to pique someone's interest) 

I love to write, read and be friendly. Despite the hard introduction I got to this adulthood crap i like to smile (though I think it's the drugs... I'm not on drugs, I'm kidding... maybe)!

I one day want to be an author... lawyer... doctor... teacher... Journalist (renowned)... or rich!

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